Green coffee beans are the unroasted seeds of the plant Coffea Arabica. It is true that many of the natural antioxidants present in coffee beans are lost in the process of roasting, thereby hampering the overall benefits, one can expect from coffee beans. 8 Amazing Benefits of Coffee You Probably Never Knew thumbnail courtesy of … Read more


# The Unseen Power of Green Coffee Beans

The humble coffee bean, specifically the green coffee bean, is a powerhouse of health benefits. These unroasted seeds of the Coffea Arabica plant are packed with natural antioxidants that can significantly contribute to overall wellbeing. However, the roasting process often results in the loss of these beneficial compounds, reducing the potential health advantages. This article explores the incredible benefits of green coffee beans and why they deserve more recognition.

## Understanding Green Coffee Beans

Before delving into the benefits, it’s important to understand what green coffee beans are. They are essentially the unroasted seeds of the Coffea Arabica plant. Unlike the dark brown coffee beans we’re accustomed to seeing, these beans retain their natural green hue because they haven’t been subjected to the high temperatures of roasting.

The roasting process, while essential for bringing out the rich flavors we associate with coffee, unfortunately also degrades many of the natural antioxidants present in the beans. This means that while your morning cup of roasted coffee may be delicious, it’s not delivering the full range of health benefits that its green counterpart could.

## The Antioxidant Powerhouse

One of the key benefits of green coffee beans lies in their rich antioxidant content. Antioxidants are compounds that fight against free radicals – harmful molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Green coffee beans are particularly high in a type of antioxidant called chlorogenic acid. This compound has been linked to numerous health benefits, including weight loss, heart health, and improved brain function.

## Health Benefits of Green Coffee Beans

Here are some of the most significant health benefits associated with green coffee beans:

1. **Weight Loss**: Studies have shown that chlorogenic acid may help reduce body weight, cut down fat absorbed from the diet, and even reduce fat stored in the liver.

2. **Heart Health**: The antioxidants in green coffee beans can help lower inflammation, reduce high blood pressure, and decrease the levels of bad cholesterol, all of which contribute to better heart health.

3. **Improved Brain Function**: Chlorogenic acid is also thought to have a positive effect on mood and brain function. It may improve brain health by reducing inflammation and boosting brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports the growth of new neurons.

4. **Anti-Aging Effects**: The antioxidants in green coffee beans can help combat the effects of aging. They can help reduce inflammation and protect against various diseases associated with aging.

5. **Lower Risk of Diabetes**: Some studies suggest that chlorogenic acid can reduce carbohydrate absorption, which can lower blood sugar levels and potentially reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

## Conclusion

While the roasting process may make coffee beans more flavorful, it also strips them of many beneficial compounds. Green coffee beans, on the other hand, are a treasure trove of health benefits, thanks to their high antioxidant content. Incorporating them into your diet could lead to improvements in weight management, heart health, brain function, and more. So next time you reach for a cup of coffee, consider going green for a healthier option.For more information about Discover the 8 Incredible Coffee Benefits You Likely Weren’t Aware Of, check another article at here: Discover the 8 Incredible Coffee Benefits You Likely Weren’t Aware Of

Green coffee beans are the unroasted seeds of the plant Coffea Arabica. It is true that many of the natural antioxidants present in coffee beans are lost in the process of roasting, thereby hampering the overall benefits, one can expect from coffee beans. 8 Amazing Benefits of Coffee You Probably Never Knew thumbnail courtesy of … Read more


# The Untold Benefits of Green Coffee Beans

The world of coffee is vast and varied, with a plethora of flavors, aromas, and benefits to explore. One lesser-known aspect of this beloved beverage is the use of green coffee beans, the unroasted seeds of the Coffea Arabica plant. Often overshadowed by their roasted counterparts, green coffee beans hold a wealth of health benefits and unique characteristics that deserve recognition.

## The Unroasted Advantage

Green coffee beans are essentially coffee seeds in their most natural state. Unlike roasted coffee beans, they haven’t been subjected to high temperatures that cause the chemical changes responsible for the classic coffee flavor. While roasting undoubtedly brings out the rich, robust taste we associate with coffee, it also results in the loss of many natural antioxidants present in the beans.

Antioxidants are substances that protect your cells against free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can lead to cell damage and various health issues. By choosing green coffee beans over roasted ones, you’re opting for a higher antioxidant content and potentially reaping more health benefits.

## Health Benefits of Green Coffee Beans

The advantages of green coffee beans extend beyond their antioxidant content. They also offer a range of other health benefits:

1. **Weight Loss:** Green coffee beans are known for their potential to aid in weight loss. They contain chlorogenic acid, which is believed to affect how the body handles blood sugar and metabolism.

2. **Rich in Anti-Inflammatory Properties:** The high concentration of antioxidants in green coffee beans also means they’re rich in anti-inflammatory properties, which can help combat various health problems.

3. **Lower Blood Pressure:** Some studies suggest that green coffee bean extract can help lower blood pressure.

4. **Improved Mood and Cognitive Function:** The caffeine in green coffee beans can enhance mood and cognitive function, providing a mental boost when needed.

5. **Anti-Aging Effects:** The antioxidants in green coffee beans can help reduce the effects of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.

6. **Liver Health:** Green coffee beans may help protect the liver from certain diseases and improve overall liver function.

7. **Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases:** Regular consumption of green coffee beans may reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

8. **Energy Boost:** Like roasted coffee, green coffee beans contain caffeine, providing a natural energy boost without the added calories of energy drinks.

## Conclusion

Green coffee beans are a hidden gem in the world of coffee. While they may not provide the traditional coffee taste that many are accustomed to, their health benefits are undeniably impressive. From their high antioxidant content to their potential to aid in weight loss and improve overall health, green coffee beans are worth considering for those seeking a healthier alternative in their daily cup of joe. Whether you choose to consume them as a supplement, in extract form, or even brew them directly, you’re sure to reap the benefits of this natural powerhouse.For more information about Discover 8 Surprising Benefits of Coffee You Likely Didn’t Know About, check another article at here: Discover 8 Surprising Benefits of Coffee You Likely Didn’t Know About

If you want to get a nice coffee guide, go ahead and follow the link. Yes they call it the Book Lover’s Guide, but you’ll love the guide even if you don’t love books. (So you’ll love at least one book. That makes you a… My head spins, I give up.) It includes contributions by … Read more


## The Ultimate Coffee Guide: A Must-Have for Every Coffee Enthusiast

For coffee lovers, the quest for the perfect cup of coffee is a never-ending journey. It’s a journey that involves exploring different coffee beans, brewing methods, and even coffee-related literature. If you’re one of these coffee enthusiasts, you’re in for a treat. There’s a comprehensive coffee guide that you’ll absolutely adore, even if you’re not particularly fond of books.

### A Coffee Guide Like No Other

This coffee guide is more than just a book. It’s a treasure trove of information, insights, and tips about coffee. While it’s been dubbed the “Book Lover’s Guide,” don’t let the name deceive you. Even if reading isn’t your cup of tea (or should we say, cup of coffee?), you’ll find this guide extremely useful and engaging.

The beauty of this guide lies in its comprehensiveness. It covers everything you need to know about coffee, from the basics to the most complex aspects. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned coffee enthusiast, this guide has something for you.

### What Can You Expect from the Coffee Guide?

The coffee guide is packed with contributions from experts in the field. These experts share their knowledge and experiences to help you understand and appreciate coffee even more. Here are some key highlights of what you can expect from this guide:

– **Coffee Basics:** Learn about different types of coffee beans, how they’re grown, and how they affect the taste of your coffee.
– **Brewing Methods:** Discover various ways to brew coffee and find out which method suits your taste preferences and lifestyle.
– **Coffee Recipes:** Try your hand at making your own coffee concoctions with an array of recipes included in the guide.
– **Coffee Culture:** Delve into the rich history and culture of coffee around the world.
– **Expert Tips:** Get valuable advice on how to select, store, and brew your coffee for the best taste.

### Why Should You Get This Coffee Guide?

The coffee guide is a valuable resource for anyone who loves coffee. Here are a few reasons why you should consider getting it:

– **Informative:** The guide provides a wealth of information about coffee. It’s like having a coffee encyclopedia at your fingertips.
– **Engaging:** The guide is written in an engaging manner that makes learning about coffee fun and interesting.
– **Practical:** The guide offers practical tips and advice that you can apply in your daily coffee brewing routine.
– **Versatile:** Whether you’re a novice or an expert, the guide caters to all levels of coffee enthusiasts.

In conclusion, this coffee guide is a must-have for every coffee lover. It’s not just a book; it’s a journey into the fascinating world of coffee. So why wait? Embark on this journey and deepen your love and understanding of coffee. After all, there’s always something new to learn in the world of coffee.For more information about “Discover the Ultimate Coffee Experience with Sprudge & Penguin Random House’s Exciting New eBook!”, check another article at here: “Discover the Ultimate Coffee Experience with Sprudge & Penguin Random House’s Exciting New eBook!”

Brew method videos have become their own sort of short film genre in the last decade. There are truly some wonderful videos out there, but none that depict the process with such raw truth as “How To Make French Press Coffee” by Eric Rothman, a Brooklyn-based animator whose work includes projects with Psyop, Google Creative Lab, … Read more


# The Art of Brewing: A Deep Dive into French Press Coffee

In the last decade, the coffee brewing process has been transformed into a form of visual art. A myriad of videos have emerged, each one showcasing a different method of brewing coffee. Among these, French Press coffee brewing has gained significant attention, with its unique process and the rich, bold flavor it produces.

## The Rise of Brew Method Videos

Brew method videos have grown in popularity over the years, evolving into a distinct genre of short films. These videos provide a visual guide to various coffee brewing methods, from the classic drip method to the more complex espresso techniques. They’ve become a favorite among coffee enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike, offering an engaging and informative look into the art of coffee making.

The appeal of these videos lies in their ability to depict the process of brewing coffee in a captivating and visually appealing manner. They transform what is essentially a mundane task into an engaging experience, capturing the attention of viewers and inspiring them to try their hand at brewing their own cup of coffee.

## The Unvarnished Truth of French Press Coffee Brewing

Among these brew method videos, one stands out for its raw and truthful depiction of the process – a video on how to make French Press coffee. This video showcases the French Press brewing method in all its glory, without any unnecessary embellishments.

The French Press method involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water and then pressing them down with a plunger to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds. This method allows for a full extraction of flavors from the coffee grounds, resulting in a rich and robust cup of coffee.

The video on French Press coffee brewing presents this process in a straightforward and honest manner. It doesn’t shy away from showing the time and effort that goes into preparing a cup of French Press coffee. From measuring out the coffee grounds to waiting for the coffee to steep, every step is shown in detail, providing viewers with a clear and comprehensive guide to making French Press coffee.

## The Impact of Brew Method Videos

Brew method videos have played a significant role in popularizing various coffee brewing methods. They offer an accessible and engaging way for people to learn about different ways to make coffee, encouraging experimentation and discovery.

In the case of French Press coffee, these videos have helped to highlight the unique aspects of this brewing method. They’ve showcased the depth of flavor that can be achieved through the French Press method, inspiring many to try it out for themselves.

Moreover, these videos have also helped to demystify the process of making coffee. They’ve shown that brewing a great cup of coffee is not an exclusive skill reserved for baristas, but something that anyone can learn and master.

## Conclusion

In conclusion, brew method videos have transformed the way we view coffee brewing. They’ve turned it into a form of visual art, captivating viewers with their engaging and informative content. Among these, the video on French Press coffee brewing stands out for its raw and truthful depiction of the process. It serves as a testament to the beauty and complexity of coffee brewing, inspiring viewers to delve deeper into the world of coffee.For more information about Kickstart Your Day with French Press Coffee – Your New Morning Routine!, check another article at here: Kickstart Your Day with French Press Coffee – Your New Morning Routine!

Whiskey aged coffee beans are on the market for a long time. The coffee tastes great, but it comes at a price. The newest creation of the industry is a wine soaked coffee bean, that extracts blueberry notes and a discreet acidity from the wine. The result, a unique coffee bean, that brews into a distinctive … Read more


# Wine Infused Coffee: A New Trend in the Specialty Coffee Industry

The world of coffee is ever-evolving, and the latest trend to hit the market is wine-infused coffee. This innovative creation is taking the industry by storm, offering a unique blend of flavors that are both unexpected and delightful.

## The Evolution of Specialty Coffee

Specialty coffee has always been about pushing boundaries and exploring new ways to enjoy this beloved beverage. From the advent of whiskey-aged coffee beans, which have been a staple in the market for a long time, to the newest creation of wine-infused coffee, the industry is constantly evolving.

Whiskey-aged coffee beans have long been celebrated for their unique flavor profile. The aging process allows the beans to absorb the rich, smoky notes of whiskey, resulting in a coffee that is robust and full-bodied. However, this specialty comes at a price, often making it a luxury item for coffee connoisseurs.

## The Birth of Wine-Infused Coffee

In a bold move to further innovate and diversify, the industry has now introduced wine-infused coffee. This unique blend extracts subtle blueberry notes and a discreet acidity from the wine, resulting in a distinctive coffee bean that brews into an exceptional cup of joe.

The process of creating wine-infused coffee involves soaking the coffee beans in wine. This allows the beans to absorb the flavors and aromas of the wine, adding a new dimension to the coffee’s taste profile. The result is a harmonious blend of two of the world’s most beloved beverages, offering a unique tasting experience that is both sophisticated and indulgent.

## The Taste Profile of Wine-Infused Coffee

The taste profile of wine-infused coffee is truly one-of-a-kind. The blueberry notes extracted from the wine add a fruity sweetness to the coffee, while the discreet acidity provides a refreshing contrast, creating a well-balanced flavor profile.

The wine-infusion process also imparts a subtle wine aroma to the coffee, adding another layer of complexity to the sensory experience. This unique blend of flavors and aromas makes wine-infused coffee a must-try for any coffee lover looking to expand their palate.

## The Market Response

The introduction of wine-infused coffee has been met with enthusiasm in the market. Coffee lovers are always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to enjoy their favorite beverage, and wine-infused coffee certainly fits the bill.

The unique flavor profile, combined with the novelty of the concept, has made wine-infused coffee a popular choice among adventurous coffee drinkers. Despite being a relatively new product in the market, it is quickly gaining traction and establishing its place in the specialty coffee scene.

## The Future of Specialty Coffee

The advent of wine-infused coffee is a testament to the continuous evolution of the specialty coffee industry. As consumer preferences become more sophisticated, the industry is constantly challenged to innovate and offer new and exciting products.

With the successful introduction of wine-infused coffee, it’s exciting to imagine what other innovative creations the future might hold for the world of specialty coffee. Whether it’s new infusion techniques, unique flavor combinations, or even more exotic beans, one thing is certain: the future of specialty coffee is as bright and exciting as a freshly brewed cup of wine-infused coffee.

In conclusion, wine-infused coffee represents a new direction in specialty coffee. It offers a unique blend of flavors that are both unexpected and delightful, making it a must-try for any coffee lover looking to expand their palate. Despite being a relatively new product in the market, it is quickly gaining traction and establishing its place in the specialty coffee scene.For more information about Discover the Unique Blend of Wine Infused Coffee – A Fresh Twist in Specialty Coffee World!, check another article at here: Discover the Unique Blend of Wine Infused Coffee – A Fresh Twist in Specialty Coffee World!

The most expensive cup of coffee… How does a cup of coffee get so expensive? Is it the beans? Or is it the barista Or maybe the coffee maker… It’s probably a combination of the three. We talked about wine soaked coffee beans, a staggering 40$ per pound. Specialty coffee has its price, and there … Read more


# The Anatomy of the Most Expensive Cup of Coffee

Coffee is a staple in many people’s daily routines. For some, it’s a simple pleasure; for others, it’s a necessary fuel. But how much would you be willing to pay for a cup of coffee? $5? $10? How about $40? Yes, you read that right. There exists a cup of coffee that costs a staggering $40. But what makes it so expensive? Is it the beans, the barista, or the coffee maker? Or perhaps it’s a combination of all three. Let’s dive into the world of luxury coffee and uncover the secrets behind the most expensive cup of coffee.

## The Beans: A Journey from Farm to Cup

The journey of a coffee bean is a long and arduous one. From the moment it is planted to when it is harvested, processed, roasted, and finally brewed into a cup of coffee, a lot of time, effort, and care goes into producing a single bean.

The most expensive coffees often come from rare and unique varieties of coffee plants. These beans are usually grown in specific regions with ideal climates and soil conditions, which contribute to their unique flavors. The rarity and labor-intensive process of producing these beans significantly increase their price.

One example is wine-soaked coffee beans, which are soaked in wine after they are harvested. This process infuses the beans with the flavors of the wine, resulting in a unique taste that is highly sought after by coffee connoisseurs. These beans can cost up to $40 per pound.

## The Barista: The Art and Science of Brewing

The barista plays a crucial role in transforming the beans into a delicious cup of coffee. They need to have a deep understanding of the science behind brewing coffee, as well as the skill to execute it perfectly every time. They also need to understand the characteristics of the beans they are working with and how to best highlight their flavors.

In the case of specialty coffee, the barista often goes above and beyond the usual brewing process. They may use special brewing methods or equipment, or they may add unique ingredients to enhance the flavor of the coffee. This level of expertise and creativity adds value to the coffee, contributing to its higher price.

## The Coffee Maker: A Tool of Precision

The coffee maker is another important factor in the price of a cup of coffee. High-quality coffee makers are designed to brew coffee with precision and consistency, ensuring that every cup tastes exactly as it should.

For specialty coffee, brewers may use high-end coffee makers that offer more control over the brewing process. These machines allow them to adjust factors like water temperature and brewing time to bring out the best flavors in the beans. The cost of these machines, along with the skill required to use them, adds to the price of the coffee.

## The Experience: More Than Just a Cup of Coffee

Finally, when you’re paying $40 for a cup of coffee, you’re not just paying for the coffee itself. You’re also paying for the experience. This includes the ambiance of the café, the service of the barista, and the satisfaction of knowing that you’re drinking one of the finest cups of coffee in the world.

## Conclusion

So, is a $40 cup of coffee worth it? That depends on your perspective. If you’re a coffee connoisseur who appreciates the nuances of different beans and brewing methods, then it might be worth it for you. But if you’re someone who just needs a caffeine boost to start your day, then a regular cup of joe might do just fine. Regardless, understanding what goes into making such an expensive cup of coffee can give us a newfound appreciation for this beloved beverage.For more information about “Discover the Priciest Cup of Coffee in the US on YouTube!”, check another article at here: “Discover the Priciest Cup of Coffee in the US on YouTube!”

A cappuccino machine for you to use at home every day. Whenever you want. Isn’t that appealing? Wait, how much is one of those super-automatics again? What if I buy a lemon, I heard super automatic espresso machines are not that reliable. Coffee Brewing Methods has an article that does just that, it helps you … Read more


## The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Home Cappuccino Machine

Imagine waking up every morning to the rich aroma of freshly brewed cappuccino, right in the comfort of your own home. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? However, the thought of investing in a home cappuccino machine can be daunting. You might be wondering about the cost, reliability, and whether you’ll end up with a lemon. This comprehensive guide aims to address all your concerns and help you make an informed decision.

### Understanding Cappuccino Machines: Semiautomatic vs. Automatic

Before we delve into the specifics of buying a home cappuccino maker, it’s essential to understand the difference between semiautomatic and automatic machines.

*Semiautomatic machines* give you more control over the brewing process. You decide when to start and stop the flow of water through the coffee grounds. This control allows you to adjust the strength and flavor of your cappuccino to your liking.

On the other hand, *automatic machines* take care of the entire brewing process for you. Once you’ve set your preferences, the machine will consistently deliver the same result every time. These machines are ideal for those who prefer convenience over customization.

### Evaluating the Cost

The cost of a home cappuccino machine can vary significantly based on its type, brand, features, and quality. Semiautomatic machines can be less expensive than their automatic counterparts due to their simpler mechanism. However, high-end semiautomatic models with advanced features can also command a higher price tag.

Automatic machines, especially super-automatic ones, are typically more expensive due to their sophisticated technology and convenience factor. However, they can save you money in the long run if you’re a frequent coffee shop visitor.

### Assessing the Reliability

Reliability is a crucial factor when investing in a home cappuccino machine. It’s a common misconception that super-automatic espresso machines are not reliable. Like any appliance, the reliability of a cappuccino machine depends on its quality, maintenance, and usage.

High-quality machines from reputable brands tend to have a longer lifespan and fewer issues. Regular cleaning and descaling can also significantly enhance the machine’s performance and durability.

### Avoiding the Lemon

The fear of ending up with a lemon – a defective machine – is valid. To avoid this, consider buying from a reputable brand and a trusted retailer. Read reviews and ratings to get an idea of the machine’s performance and potential issues. Also, ensure the machine comes with a warranty for peace of mind.

### Making the Decision

Ultimately, the best home cappuccino machine for you depends on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and budget. If you enjoy the process of brewing coffee and want control over every detail, a semiautomatic machine might be for you. If convenience and consistency are your top priorities, consider an automatic machine.

Remember, owning a home cappuccino machine is not just about making coffee; it’s about the experience. It allows you to become your own barista and enjoy your perfect cup of cappuccino whenever you want. So, take your time, do your research, and make an investment that will transform your daily coffee routine into a delightful ritual.For more information about Discover the Best Home Cappuccino Maker for You: A Guide to Semiautomatics vs Automatics, check another article at here: Discover the Best Home Cappuccino Maker for You: A Guide to Semiautomatics vs Automatics

When I first heard about cold brew I was intrigued, and it resonated with my geeky side. I wanted to start my own cold brew company. I didn’t and now I regret it. Check the story of this guy who got rich brewing the stuff, and you’ll understand me. In 2010, Chris Campbell decided to … Read more


## The Intriguing World of Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee has been making waves in the beverage industry for a while now, and it’s not hard to understand why. This unique method of brewing coffee has captured the interest of coffee enthusiasts and entrepreneurs alike. With its unique taste, ease of preparation, and growing popularity, cold brew coffee presents an exciting opportunity for those looking to venture into the world of coffee business.

### The Allure of Cold Brew

The first time one hears about cold brew coffee, it’s hard not to be intrigued. It appeals to both the coffee lover and the innovator within us. As opposed to traditional methods of brewing coffee, which involve hot water, cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period. This results in a smoother, less acidic brew that can be enjoyed hot or cold.

The process of making cold brew coffee is simple yet fascinating. It’s a testament to the fact that sometimes, the best things in life are worth waiting for. The slow extraction process allows the coffee grounds to fully infuse the water, resulting in a rich, full-bodied flavor that is distinct from any other brewing method.

### The Cold Brew Business Boom

The potential of cold brew coffee as a business venture is immense. It’s not just about selling a refreshing beverage; it’s about offering a unique experience that resonates with the modern consumer.

Take, for instance, the story of an entrepreneur who saw the potential in this niche market and decided to take the plunge. In 2010, this individual decided to venture into the world of cold brew coffee. Fast forward a few years, and his business is booming, serving as an inspiration for many budding entrepreneurs.

This success story is not an isolated incident. The popularity of cold brew coffee has been on a steady rise over the years. As more and more people discover the unique taste and benefits of cold brew, the demand for this beverage continues to grow.

### Key Factors to Consider

If you’re considering starting your own cold brew coffee business, here are a few key points to keep in mind:

– **Understanding Your Audience:** Knowing your target market is crucial. Understand their preferences, lifestyle, and what they value in a coffee experience.

– **Quality of Coffee:** The quality of your coffee beans plays a significant role in the final taste of your brew. Source high-quality beans and experiment with different blends to find the perfect taste.

– **Brewing Process:** The brewing process can greatly affect the taste of your cold brew. Experiment with different brewing times and temperatures to find what works best.

– **Packaging and Presentation:** The way your product is packaged and presented can greatly influence its appeal. Aim for packaging that is both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly.

– **Marketing and Branding:** Effective marketing and strong branding can set your cold brew coffee apart from the competition.

### Conclusion

The world of cold brew coffee is intriguing and full of potential. With its unique taste and growing popularity, it presents an exciting opportunity for those looking to venture into the world of coffee business. Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or an aspiring entrepreneur, the cold brew coffee industry has something to offer. So why not dive in and explore the possibilities?For more information about Experience the Explosive Growth of the Cold Brew Industry, check another article at here: Experience the Explosive Growth of the Cold Brew Industry

We all love latte art. I don’t drink latte too often, but when I have one, I almost can’t get the first sip. I want to keep the art forever. People love to improve the visual aspect of their food and coffee. We drink and eat with our eyes as much as we do with … Read more


# The Aesthetic Pleasure of Latte Art

Latte art, a creative expression that turns a simple cup of coffee into a visually stunning masterpiece, has become increasingly popular in recent years. This art form, which combines the rich, robust world of coffee with the delicate intricacy of visual design, is not just about creating a beautiful image on the surface of your beverage. It’s also about enhancing the overall experience of drinking coffee.

## The Visual Appeal of Latte Art

The first thing that strikes you about latte art is its visual appeal. The intricate designs, often featuring hearts, rosettas or swans, are crafted with such precision and skill that it’s almost a shame to disrupt them with the first sip. This visual appeal is not just about aesthetic pleasure, though. It also enhances the overall experience of drinking coffee.

The saying “we eat with our eyes first” rings true in this context. The visual appeal of latte art can make the coffee seem tastier, even before you’ve taken your first sip. It’s a multisensory experience, where the sight of the beautifully crafted design complements the aroma and taste of the coffee.

## The Artistry Behind Latte Art

Creating latte art is no easy task. It requires a deep understanding of coffee, milk, and how these two ingredients interact. The barista must first create a perfect espresso shot with a rich layer of crema on top. Then, they must steam milk to the right temperature and texture. The final step is pouring this steamed milk into the espresso in such a way that it forms a design on the surface.

The process is part science, part art. It requires precision, control, and a creative flair. Each design is unique and ephemeral, lasting only until the coffee is consumed or cools down. This transient nature adds to the charm and appeal of latte art.

## The Impact on Coffee Culture

Latte art has had a significant impact on coffee culture. It has elevated the status of baristas, showcasing their skill and creativity. It has also contributed to the rise of coffee as a social experience. Cafes are no longer just places to grab a quick cup of coffee. They have become social hubs where people come to enjoy the artistry of their beverages, share pictures of their lattes on social media, and engage in conversations about coffee.

Moreover, latte art has made coffee more accessible and appealing to a wider audience. People who might not have been interested in coffee before are now drawn to it because of the visual appeal of latte art.

## The Future of Latte Art

As we look to the future, it’s clear that latte art is here to stay. It’s not just a passing fad, but a significant aspect of modern coffee culture. With advancements in technology, we’re seeing new developments in this field, such as 3D latte art and even latte art printers.

However, the heart of latte art remains in the skill and creativity of the barista. It’s their passion and dedication that brings each cup of coffee to life, creating a visual and sensory experience that delights coffee lovers around the world.

In conclusion, latte art is more than just a pretty design on your coffee. It’s a testament to the skill of the barista, an enhancement of the sensory experience of drinking coffee, and a symbol of the vibrant and evolving coffee culture. So next time you order a latte, take a moment to appreciate the artistry in your cup before you take that first sip.For more information about Discover the Visual Artistry in Coffee Drinking, check another article at here: Discover the Visual Artistry in Coffee Drinking

The Green Ocean Coffee Project Is Reviving Clew Bay

Watermark Coffee is working with the Clew Bay Oyster Co-Op to restore oysters and reduce coastal erosion by using coffee purchases to fund seabed restoration. 


Featured photo courtesy of Watermark Coffee

As the world grapples with environmental issues and climate change, it has become increasingly important for businesses to be more conscious of their ecological impact. One business that stands out in this regard is Watermark Coffee, founded by David Lawlor and his wife, Marguerite. The company takes a unique approach to sustainability by focusing on its Green Ocean Coffee initiative.  

David, the company’s managing director, has chosen the ocean as their primary cause to support, and has partnered with local change-makers to do so. The Green Ocean Coffee project has been focusing its efforts on restoring the oyster population in Clew Bay, located in County Mayo in Ireland. We reached out to David and asked him about Green Ocean Coffee and the importance of businesses taking meaningful environmental action. 

A large oyster shell is held out by human hands. The oyster is large, gray and white mottled, and bumpy in texture.
A keystone species is a vital organism that serves as a defining characteristic of an entire ecosystem. Photo via Unsplash.

Restoring the Ecosystem Through Reviving Oysters 

As a keystone species, oysters are a vital part of the local ecosystem and provide essential services, such as nutrient cycling and water filtration. The team at Watermark Coffee has made it their mission to revive the oyster population in Clew Bay.  

David decided to start the project as a direct response to the climate crisis. “I believe that every effort, no matter how small, makes a difference. … (We) are now at a ‘make or break’ stage where we need to take every opportunity to make better climate decisions. Businesses have an even greater opportunity to make a difference in terms of their available resources and influence. We don’t have time to waste.” 

But how can oysters help exactly? According to David, oysters help filter seawater. This allows sunlight to reach deeper into the ocean and promotes the growth of seagrass and other marine plants. ”Seagrass is a powerful carbon sink; according to the UN, seagrass absorbs atmospheric carbon at a rate of 35 times faster than the rainforest. The established oyster and seagrass/seaweed reef provides a perfect environment for juvenile fish to grow and avoid predation but also (reduces) coastal erosion.”

Alex and David drink coffee on a dock by the sea with a box of oysters and wear blue and yellow rain jackets.
Alex Blackwell, (left) manager and marine biologist with Clew Bay Oyster Co-Op, with David Lawlor. Photo courtesy of Watermark Coffee.

Watermark Coffee, from Bean to Sea 

Together with the Clew Bay Oyster Co-Op, the Green Ocean Coffee project carried out the first phase of restoration in July 2022 to capture the essence of the project. To help oyster larvae settle and attach to the sea floor, they applied a layer of broken shell called culch. Their goal? Create an oyster reef by spreading culch and letting it develop over a period of three to four years. 

Watermark Coffee is not only looking to help the local environment and revive Clew Bay’s oyster population, but they’re also committed to sustainability in their business operations. David explains, ”The link between coffee consumption and the restoration is simple. One square meter of seabed restoration is funded with each 1 kg bag of coffee purchased.”

Three blue bags of Watermark coffee lined up on a rock with oysters in front of them.
Each bag of Green Ocean Coffee results in the restoration of a square meter of the sea floor. Photo courtesy of Watermark Coffee.

The coffee itself is packaged in fully recyclable bags and purchased directly from farmers, giving Watermark a direct link between producers and the final coffee customer.

Local, Simple, Authentic Climate Action 

The Green Ocean Coffee project is a long-term commitment, and Watermark Coffee is dedicated to making it a success. David believes that businesses have an even greater opportunity to make a difference. Their environmental emissions are much higher than the individual, but they also have more available resources and influence.   

“The challenge for businesses is to engage in authentic climate action or carbon-reducing measures rather than being seduced by the allure of greenwashing, which tends to be vague in detail and grandiose in its claims. When it comes to climate action, authenticity trumps everything else,” he says. 

Marguerite holds up a cup and saucer while David looks on with a coffee bag in front of Clew Bay.
Watermark Coffee is a family-owned business established by Marguerite and David Lawlor in 2007. Photo courtesy of Watermark Coffee.

David thinks businesses looking to promote their sustainability initiatives should ensure they demonstrate the worth of their initiative and keep it local and simple. “It is also important that the climate action culture of the business reflects the ethos of the initiative, as this will greatly improve its chances of being noticed in a crowded media landscape,” he says.

The Green Ocean Coffee Project is continuing its restoration work in Clew Bay for the next two to four years. They’re also looking to expand to other locations around the Irish coast, adapting the nature of the restoration to fit geographical requirements. They hope that companies will partner with them by selecting their coffee products as part of a larger effort to fund and spread awareness about this important cause. 


Vasileia Fanarioti (she/her) is a senior online correspondent for Barista Magazine, and a freelance copywriter and editor with a primary focus on the coffee niche. She has also been a volunteer copywriter for the I’M NOT A BARISTA NPO, providing content to help educate people about baristas and their work. You can follow her adventures at

The post The Green Ocean Coffee Project Is Reviving Clew Bay appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.

This article was first published here.

We uncover more of PDX’s specialty-coffee standouts: Keeper Coffee Co., Proud Mary, and Guilder Café.


Feature photo by Peter Bucks via Unsplash

In part one of our Portland Café Guide, we began our exploration of the city’s ever-expanding specialty-coffee scene with notable cafés Prince Coffee, Deadstock Coffee, Portland Cà Phê, and FUTURA Coffee. However, these four cafés make up just a small fraction of the list of PDX coffeehouses worth visiting—and so we’re continuing our journey through the City of Roses with Keeper Coffee Co., Proud Mary, and Guilder Café.

A hand holds a mug with a latte featuring a rosetta. The countertop underneath is covered in tiny hexagon tiles, spelling out Keeper in tile right above the drink in the photo.
Keeper Coffee Co. is a people-focused café where reigning U.S. Barista Champion Morgan Eckroth works as a barista. Photo courtesy of Brittany Huff.

Keeper Coffee Co.

Located in Southeast Portland’s Woodstock neighborhood, Keeper Coffee is notable for a multitude of reasons. Reigning USBC champ Morgan Eckroth, who currently works at Keeper, shared their thoughts on what makes the café stand out.

“Keeper is a really special café,” Morgan shares. “It’s tucked away within a dense neighborhood and has become such a community hub. On top of a great coffee program, we also have a fantastic baking team and an impressive showcase.”

Outside Keeper there are cafe tables and chairs, a painted all caps sign on the top of the building under a metal lamp, and painted lettering on the windows that read: "single origin coffee, specialty tea, house made pastries" and list the store hours with the word "welcome." The building it white with gray trim around the windows and a green garland hangs from the roof.
“We’re a café that’s people-focused, and we take a lot of pride in our hospitality,” says Keeper Coffee Co.’s Morgan Eckroth. Photo courtesy of Brittany Huff.

“Really, though, we’re a café that’s people-focused, and we take a lot of pride in our hospitality,” Morgan continues. “Whether you’re getting a bite to go or staying awhile, it’s a lovely spot with something for everyone.”

Proud Mary Coffee

Anyone with their toes in the Portland specialty-coffee scene knows that Proud Mary is a must-try. Husband and wife Nolan and Shari Hirte founded Proud Mary in 2009 in Melbourne, Australia, eventually opening locations in Austin, Texas, and Northeast Portland’s Alberta Arts District.

In the foreground, blurred, is a huge green palm. A barista in a ballcap works behind the espresso bar. Industrial lighting hangs from the ceiling, and coffee paraphernalia covers the end of the counter. Customers sit right by the bar to drink. More seating can be seen in the background, as well as square windows.
Nolan and Shari Hirte first founded Proud Mary in 2009 in Melbourne, Australia. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Goodrich.

Aside from their exceptional offerings (many of which are Cup of Excellence coffees), Proud Mary also has a great Aussie-inspired food program. The café offers all-day breakfast, lunch, tea, fresh juice and smoothies, and baked goods, made with fresh and sustainably, ethically, and locally sourced produce.

A customer sips a drink behind a beautiful plate of poached eggs and greens with meat.
Aside from their exceptional coffee, Proud Mary also has a delicious Aussie-inspired food program. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Goodrich.

“We blend the innovative spirit of Melbourne’s coffee culture with Portland’s adventurous taste buds,” reads the café’s mission statement. “The result is a refined yet experimental approach to our food, beverage, and service. We joyfully nerd out on the product, the people, and the process that brings it all together.”

Guilder Café/Junior’s Roasted Coffee

Founded by Caryn and Mike Nelson and partners Tony Roberts and Carrie Lind, Guilder Café gets its name from the movie/book The Princess Bride—a theme that’s present throughout the café’s menu, design, and packaging. The café has two locations: the “East” location in Northeast Portland’s Alameda-Irvington neighborhood and the “West” location inside of Powell’s City of Books. The East location features a micro-roastery—Junior’s Roasted Coffee—with its own café located on NE Prescott Street.

Another notable thing about Guilder/Junior’s: the founders’ dedication to ethically and sustainably sourced coffee. In 2018, Guilder’s founders launched the Cost of Production Covered Project to serve as their guide to green coffee-buying practices.

The inside of Guilder is a large open space with a wall of window, metal stools and chairs, a long metal bar, concrete floor, and staircase leading up to another floor on the right.
Guilder was founded by Caryn and Mike Nelson with partners Tony Roberts and Carrie Lind. Photo courtesy of Caryn Nelson.

Working with importers and exporters that they know and trust, they aim to identify farms that are willing to collaborate on long-term projects and hope that transparent coffee-buying practices will help inform consumers about the hidden costs of other food systems, and will motivate larger coffee companies to buy more sustainably.

“When (we) started Junior’s, (we) wanted to think deeper about what makes a good roasting company,” founder Caryn Nelson shares. They wanted sound environmental and social conditions at the farm level, as well as equitable trade practices between all supply stream partners. That includes how they operate their business in Portland and share their coffee story with consumers. “While quality is about roasting coffee to best suit its terroir, and brewing it to best represent all of the hard work and dedication that poured into that product from seed to cup, (we) wanted specialty coffee to mean more than just excellent taste,” Caryn says.


Emily Joy Meneses (she/they) is a writer and musician based in Los Angeles. Her hobbies include foraging, cortados, vintage synths, and connecting with her Filipino roots through music, art, food, and beverage.

The post The Portland Café Guide: Redux appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.

This article was first published here.

Aromatic, floral, and delicately sweet, lychee adds a special touch to any beverage.


Cover photo by Jamie Trinh via Unsplash

Spring is here in the Northern Hemisphere. That means that fresh fruit and floral flavors are once again taking center stage in the food and beverage world. Looking for ingredients to brighten up your at-home beverages or café drinks? There’s a world beyond the typical go-to like citrus or strawberry. In today’s installment of “Know Your Ingredients,“ we’re exploring lychee. This aromatic, floral, and delicately sweet fruit has its roots in southern China. Its cultivation has become an international affair, and now the fruit is making itself known in the specialty-coffee world.  

Chinese Roots

In the modern world, lychee is grown throughout Asia, the Indian subcontinent, South Africa, Brazil, the Caribbean, and certain parts of North America. However, we can trace the fruit’s earliest roots specifically to southern China. Documented lychee cultivation dates as far back as the 11th century.  

Lychee fruit on a branch. The leaves are long, deep green and glossy with smooth edges. The fruits hang in small clusters, with a surface similar to a raspberry in color, but with a bumpy skin, almost like leather.
One of the fruits is peeled to show the white flesh inside, which looks shiny.
Light and aromatic, lychee has a slightly floral flavor (most similar to rose), and its taste is akin to that of a pear or grape with a hint of citrus. Photo by Atul Somani via Pixabay.

The small, sweet fruit is often associated with Yang Yuhuan, a consort of Emperor Xuan Zhong from 713 to 756 A.D. Yang Yuhuan was known to love lychee so much that the emperor would have couriers travel for thousands of miles between the capital city and Guangdong, where it was grown, to have the fruit brought to her.

Lychee in the Western World

From China, lychee cultivation would spread over several thousand years to other parts of the world via trade and travel. In the 1850s, gold miners from modern-day Egypt transported trees with them to Australia. There, the trees experienced a wonderfully long season, producing fruit from late October to late March—the longest lychee production season in the world.

A woman in China looks over lychee bundles in a big market stall, holding up a big cluster. To her right is a stack of red plastic hand baskets, and people browsing are visible behind her.
Lychee originated in southern China, where cultivation of the fruit dates as far back as the 11th century. Photo by Chengwei Hu via Unsplash.

Lychee trees first reached the United States in the early 1900s, when a missionary named William Brewster imported them from China to central Florida. It is very much an internationally grown crop today, though its roots in China are still recognized.

Flavor Profile 

Beneath the rough skin of the fruit is sweet, succulent white flesh bursting with juice. Light and aromatic, lychee has a slightly floral flavor (most similar to rose), and its taste is akin to that of a pear or grape with a hint of citrus. Because its flavor is so delicate, the fruit loses a lot of its flavor when cooked—so, when incorporating lychee into recipes, it’s best to use the raw fruit and its juices.

A white paper bag labeled KUMQUAT and two lychee iced tea drinks with rose petal pieces sprinkled on top. The drinks are layered so milk sits at the bottom.
Kumquat Coffee’s Lychee Hongcha: an iced milk tea made with lychee syrup and black tea, all topped with dried rose petals. Photo by Emily Joy Meneses.

Lychee in the Specialty-Coffee World

Lychee has long been a favorite at Asian boba shops and teahouses. It has shown up recently within the specialty-coffee world as well. We love Los Angeles-based Kumquat Coffee’s take on the fruit: their seasonal Lychee Hongcha is an iced milk tea made with lychee syrup and black tea steeped from leaves grown in Korea, all topped with dried rose petals.

Beautifully floral and delicately sweet, lychee serves as a great alternative to your typical fruit flavors, and we hope to see more of it in the specialty-coffee world as time goes on.


Emily Joy Meneses (she/they) is a writer and musician based in Los Angeles. Her hobbies include foraging, cortados, vintage synths, and connecting with her Filipino roots through music, art, food, and beverage.

The post Know Your Ingredients: Lychee appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.

This article was first published here.

Dozens of coffee professionals competed at qualifiers this weekend in Colorado for coveted spots at the U.S. Coffee Championships next month.


Cover photo by J. Marie Carlan

For competitive coffee professionals in the USA, the U.S. Coffee Championships are the place to be. Over the weekend, the second USCC Qualifier of the competition season took place at Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum in Englewood, Colo. Competitors raced against the clock and each other to grab qualifying spots. Those who qualified will have the privilege of moving on to the USCC national events in April.

Here are the competitors who came out on top in each contest; you can view a full list of competitors moving on to nationals here.

The three finalists pose with their wooden plaques. Kimhak gives a shaka hand or hang ten sign with thumb and pinkie extended, three middle fingers curled against the palm. He wears elbow crutches and a Kodak hoodie. Kiara in the middle wearsa gray sweatshirt and green beanie. Steve wears a beard, flannel shirt and snazzy brown cardigan.
Roaster qualifiers, from left: Mark Kove (who finished in seventh place and also advanced), Kiara, and Steve. Photo by Matthew Temple courtesy of U.S. Coffee Championships.

U.S. Roaster Top-Ranking Qualifiers

  1. Kiara Freysinger of Huckleberry Roasters in Denver
  2. Kimhak Em of Paircupworks in Mesa, Ariz.
  3. Steve Cuevas of Black Oak Roasters in Ukiah, Calif.
Thomas wears a half zip pullover and jeans. Sebastian wears gray and jeans and trucker hat. Mehmet wears white and khaki with a thin gray scarf. All hold wooden plaques.
The top Cup Tasters qualifiers, from left: Thomas, Sebastián, and Mehmet. Photo by Matthew Temple courtesy of U.S. Coffee Championships.

U.S. Cup Tasters Top-Ranking Qualifiers

  1. Thomas Chandler of Black Oak Coffee in Ukiah, Calif.
  2. Sebastián Legner of Coda Coffee in Denver
  3. Mehmet Sogan of Memli Coffee in San Diego
Piyapat is in a blue button up shirt, wenbo wears a side-zip hoodie, and Truc wears and brown turtleneck. They all wear jeans, two are holding up plaques.
Latte Art qualifiers, from left: Benjamin Parham (who finished in fifth place and also advanced), Flook, and Truc. Photo by Matthew Temple courtesy of U.S. Coffee Championships.

U.S. Latte Art Top-Ranking Qualifiers

  1. Wenbo Yang of Artly Coffee
  2. Truc Ngo of IOCoffea
  3. Piyapat ”Flook” Lapteerawaut of Coffee Project NY
A huge group of 18 competitors, many in bright colors, one cowgirl hat, and three wooden plaques held up by winners crouching in front.
Barista qualifiers, with top-three finishers (from left) Anthony, Seidy, and Isaiah up front. Photo by Matthew Temple courtesy of U.S. Coffee Championships.

US Barista Top-Ranking Qualifiers

  1. Seidy Selivanow of Kaflex Roasters in Vancouver, Wash.
  2. Isaiah Sheese of Archetype Coffee in Omaha, Neb.
  3. Anthony Ragler of Black & White Coffee in Zebulon, N.C.
11 competitors, three with wooden plaques crouched in front, all smiling.
Brewers Cup qualifiers, with top-three (from left) Jesus, Danesha, and Korachai up front. Photo by Matthew Temple courtesy of U.S. Coffee Championships.

US Brewers Cup Top-Ranking Qualifiers

  1. Korachai Silpavitanku of Amberson Coffee in Indianapolis
  2. Danesha Toro of Greater Goods Roasting in Austin, Texas
  3. Jesus Iniquez of Archetype Coffee in Omaha, Neb.
Three competitors in all neutral colors holding their wooden plaques.
Garrett, Natasha, and Edwin are the top-three qualifiers for Coffee In Good Spirits. Photo by Matthew Temple courtesy of U.S. Coffee Championships.

U.S. Coffee In Good Spirits Top-Ranking Qualifiers

  1. Garrett VanWambeke, Independent, of Atlanta
  2. Natasha Solowoniuk of Caffe Vita in Seattle
  3. Edwin Gorritz of Barista Squared in Orlando, Fla.

Every competitor brought their A-game, but only some will go on to the U.S. Coffee Championships in Portland, Ore; the championships are a big part of the Specialty Coffee Expo, which will take place April 21-23.


J. Marie Carlan (she/they) is the online editor for Barista Magazine. She’s been a barista for over a decade and writing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. When she’s not behind the espresso bar or toiling over content, you can find her perusing record stores, collecting bric-a-brac, writing poetry, and trying to keep the plants alive in her Denver apartment. She occasionally updates her blog.

The post Congrats to the Top-Ranking Qualifiers at U.S. CoffeeChamps Denver appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.

This article was first published here.

The new program connects coffee producers to one another, provides them with educational resources, and more.


Photos courtesy of the Cocaerol, Comal & Amprocal cooperatives in Honduras

Since 2021, Digital Coffee Future (DCF) has been working on a digital training program to address the needs of coffee producers. In September and October 2022, the DCF team—together with the Neumann Foundation and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)—guided 20 cooperatives from Central America through a pilot program.

Over the course of six weeks, participants had the opportunity to connect with other professionals. They worked on digital content, learned from their peers, and formed an online community. Today at Barista Magazine, we take a closer look at this innovative project and learn from the experiences of participants.

The exterior of a building at The Cocaerol Cooperative in Honduras. In the concrete patio outside the blue structure, coffee beans have been laid out to dry in the sun in several enormous piles. Another small green builfing and a pickup truck can be seen in the background.
The Cocaerol cooperative in Honduras saw the potential of this program helping to strengthen their business operations.

Equipping Coffee Producers for Digital Transformation

The Digital Origin Education Program (DOEP) is an online course designed by DCF to help coffee producers actors gain the skills they need to implement successful digital projects. Through lectures and hands-on exercises, participants learn how to assess their digital maturity, tailor digital tools to their needs, and develop a comprehensive plan for digital transformation.

The pilot program aims to equip cooperatives from Guatemala and Honduras with the skills to independently develop digital projects. The course offers a deep dive into digitalization and its potential for the sector. There’s an emphasis on understanding how to use existing tools and data to strengthen the cooperatives’ business operations.

A woman in a purple striped shirt and baseball cap works gathering coffee cherries in a basket around her waist and looks over at the camera.
Producers have begun to realize the potential of digitalization in coffee production through the Digital Origin Education Program.

Marisol Velásquez of the Honduran coffee cooperative COCREBISTOL says that the cooperatives have received interesting and innovative training through the program. “I believe that each coffee company will be strengthened in the different processes it carries out,“ she says. “We have learned a lot about digitalization and digitization, which if we apply (these lessons) will allow us to have the necessary information on time and also reduce working hours. Personally, it has helped me to learn many new and handy tools.“

Workers tend to coffee seedlings on a rasied platform. The plants are wrapped in plastic to retain moisture in their soil. One man is on his cell phone while two women are gathering seedlings into a plastic crate.
Streamlining their business operations with the help of this program, coffee cooperatives are now better equipped to tackle challenges such as traceability while increasing efficiency.

A Step-by-Step Approach To Digitalization

Arnold Alvarado from the cooperative Puringla Café, who participated in the program, says, “Digitalization is a process that is very important to be able to have positive results in each process of the companies. DOEP is a program that allows us to carry out these processes through digitalization using methods, programs, and applications with which we can streamline our processes.“

In the coming year, Digital Coffee Future will continue to expand its education process and foster growth as it seeks to assist small producers in over 70 countries. DCF’s aim is for the program to have a positive impact on coffee cooperatives and their journey toward digitalization.

A woman in a wide brimmed hat and plaid shirt gathers coffee cherries into a basket tied to her waist. She has a long braid and earrings.
Digital Coffee Future plans to expand its program in the coming year.

Vasileia Fanarioti (she/her) is a senior online correspondent for Barista Magazine, and a freelance copywriter and editor with a primary focus on the coffee niche. She has also been a volunteer copywriter for the I’M NOT A BARISTA NPO, providing content to help educate people about baristas and their work. You can follow her adventures at

The post A Look at Digital Coffee Future’s Digital Origin Education Program appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.

This article was first published here.

The Australian roasting company helps to create opportunities for veteran communities. 


Photos courtesy of 3 Elements Coffee 

Brisbane, Australia-based 3 Elements Coffee, founded by Navy veteran Terry McNally in 2016, has a mission to support the transition of ex-military personnel into the commercial workspace. To help achieve their goal and raise awareness of related issues, Terry picked coffee as their product of choice, using funds generated to assist in the transition process. We reached out to Terry to find out how 3 Elements Coffee began, what the company has achieved so far, and much more.

Choosing Coffee to Support Veterans 

Knowing that many veterans face difficulties when trying to adjust to civilian life after service, 3 Elements works to ensure they are supported through this transition. One of their main goals is to raise funds for two charities: PTSD Resurrected and Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust. These organizations provide veterans with job training, interview skills, and education scholarships for their children.  

A veteran in a wheelchair, missing one leg, holds up two bags of coffee near the 3 Elements coffee kiosk at the Invictus Games in Australia. Someone at the kiosk in the background gives a peace sign.
3 Elements Coffee was served during the Invictus Games, an international multi-sport event for wounded, injured, and sick servicemen and women, both serving and veterans. 

Terry, a Navy veteran himself, cares deeply about the post-service transition for veterans. “Often HR companies don’t understand what skill-sets military personnel have and how they translate to commercial speech. This is the same for the veteran during transition; they don’t know how to communicate what they have done to an HR company. (They may find) it hard to get employment and need a transition course to help them integrate into the commercial community.” By providing courses, coaching, and funds for veteran charities, 3 Elements Coffee hopes to make a positive change in the lives of those who have served their country.  

Terry picked coffee as the company’s product of choice because he believes it is a great way to bring people together. “Coffee is a great way to connect people and start conversations; it’s something we all can relate to,” he says. ”For us, it’s also about the taste and sourcing of premium beans from around the world, while ensuring that producers are being paid correctly to support their own families.” 

A gray-haired man in a suit, wearing glasses, shakes hands with a man in uniform. Onlookers smile near an Invictus Games banner.
The 3 Elements team attends various community events, where they serve up delicious coffees and educate people about their mission and how to support veterans. 

How 3 Elements Gives Back to Veteran Communities 

The company does several things to support veterans, such as developing custom roasts for charity organizations by mixing blends that they promote on their respective websites. In addition, a percentage of sales are given back to the charity. The charity can also purchase coffee at a reduced wholesale rate, with 100% of profits going back to them. 3 Elements also donates half-year and full-year supplies of coffee as prizes in auctions.

Coffee Carts

3 Elements will also loan out their coffee carts to veterans looking to start their own businesses. Terry explains that they don’t charge for the loan of the machine and the cart; these tools help veterans to see whether a coffee business is for them. “If it is for them, we then loan the cart ’til they save up enough money to buy/build their own cart so they become self-sufficient, allowing us to then re-loan out the cart to another veteran,“ he says. “If it’s not for them, it still gives the veteran opportunities to talk about themselves to the customer whilst serving coffee. … (They can) show potential business owners/companies who they are and talk about what they did in the military in the hope that person gives them a formal interview/job.” 

Many veterans have found success in 3 Elements Coffee’s transition programs, and Terry is proud of what the company has achieved. He hopes to see more veterans given the opportunity to pick up new skills and find meaningful employment after service in the military. “My advice to them is to think about their passion and how they can turn it into a business. Stick to what they know. Research what they want to do and if there is a market for it. Be prepared to work long hours to start with and go to as many network nights as they can,” he says. 

The line of Jack Reacher collab products. Two bags of coffee, one called Worth Dying For and the other One Shot, an all black travel mug with the words Down Under, a similar water bottle, and logo tote bags.
The collaboration with Lee Child is an example of the company’s commitment to creating meaningful partnerships with shared values. 

Jack Reacher Collab

3 Elements Coffee has also teamed up with Lee Child, the award-winning author of the highly successful Jack Reacher books, to create a special range of limited-edition blends for fans in Australia and New Zealand. The company plans to expand by offering even more veterans the opportunity to own their own coffee carts. Furthermore, they will be actively promoting their businesses in the community as a way of helping other communities, clubs, and organizations raise funds for their own initiatives that benefit the community through the love of great coffee.  

All these activities are aimed at continuing to give back to society while simultaneously growing the reach of the company’s business. If you wish to find out more or get involved with 3 Elements’ initiatives, check out their website


Vasileia Fanarioti (she/her) is a senior online correspondent for Barista Magazine, and a freelance copywriter and editor with a primary focus on the coffee niche. She has also been a volunteer copywriter for the I’M NOT A BARISTA NPO, providing content to help educate people about baristas and their work. You can follow her adventures at

The post 3 Elements Coffee: Supporting Veterans, One Cup at a Time   appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.

This article was first published here.

Called Innovea, the network will aim to secure long-term supplies of coffee and improve climate resilience through breeding.


Photos courtesy of World Coffee Research

Last month, during the Sintercafe coffee expo in Costa Rica, industry nonprofit World Coffee Research (WCR) made an announcement with much potential to impact coffee’s future for the better.

The news: WCR has launched Innovea, a global breeding network of nine countries that will “transform global coffee breeding and accelerate the pace of genetic improvement,” per a press release from WCR. They chose the Innovea name by combining “innovation” with Coffea, the plant name of the coffee species, so the name loosely translates to “coffee innovation.”

“Coffee faces a crisis of innovation that makes the industry’s sustainability, quality, and supply assurance goals impossible to achieve if we stay on the path we are on,” says WCR CEO Dr. Jennifer (Vern) Long in the press release. “But as we have seen with COVID-19, incredible solutions to urgent, global problems are made possible with scientific collaboration.”

Close up of a man's hands. He holds coffee flowers gently. The petals are small, long and white, on a long skinny green stalk. The flowers grow in small clusters in a circle around the stem at intervals.
Collecting pollen from male flowers to make cross-pollinations to generate new plants. The Innovea network will aim to accelerate the pace of genetic improvements in coffee.

‘Coopetition’ Not Competition

Collaboration is indeed the name of the game for the Innovea network. Dr. George Kotch, WCR’s former research director, has decades of experience managing global breeding programs. He joined WCR in 2020 and knew he faced a challenge in shaping the new network: Coffee-producing countries are competing with one another, and asking them to collaborate on a breeding network is not an easy sell.

The resulting solution is a “coopetition” model—which Dr. Kotch developed using his experience with other commodities—that allows producing countries to collaborate on breeding but remain competitive overall. “We listened really carefully to our partners who communicated this reality that they face, which is that scientific collaboration sounds like a great aspiration, but it’s not always a realistic opportunity for them,” Dr. Long says in an interview with Barista Magazine Online. “And so this model is really designed to drive value for countries but also allow them to be competitive.”

The same man's hands, putting something in a plastic sample vial with a kind of Q-tip implement.
Creating new crosses through hand-pollination at WCR’s Flor Amarilla Research Farm in El Salvador. Innovea will seek to create new and unique genetic combinations that have not been seen before in coffee.

So what will the new network offer participating countries? According to the WCR press release, the network will give them “unrestricted access to new genetic materials, training in modern breeding approaches, and shared tools while also connecting researchers across national boundaries to achieve results that would be impossible for programs working in isolation.”

Fostering Opportunities

The opportunities afforded by the network may be transformative for producing countries. “The network brings together a wide diversity of high-performing varieties from Africa, Asia, and the Americas that have never been bred together before,” says Dr. Senthil Kumar, director of research at the Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI), in the press release. “India is enthusiastic about the opportunities this network provides for us to develop varieties that address farmers’ needs and to ensure our success in achieving climate resilience.”

A group of people stand in a semicircle on a hill. There is a WCR banner in the background, trees on the outskirts of the hill, and more hills behind.
Members of WCR’s board of directors, guests, and researchers from the nine invited participating countries at the site of the Innovea breeding factory at CATIE in Costa Rica.

The new network will strengthen not just coffee producers, of course. The whole coffee supply chain stands to benefit from improved varieties—including specialty-coffee roasters, whose businesses depend on reliable supplies of high-quality coffee. James McLaughlin, president and CEO of Chicago-based Intelligentsia Coffee and the current vice chair of WCR’s board, says, “I think that Innovea is the single most exciting thing happening in coffee right now. We as an industry have under-invested in coffee agricultural research, and the threats that our industry is facing with climate change are really grave.” With the new network, James explains, “I believe we’re going to produce varieties that are next level in terms of quality, productivity, and climate resistance.”

Though the network is now in motion, the results will not be immediate, as breeding programs take time. WCR estimates that some countries in the network could release new varieties as early as 2033, though most will take several more years.

You can find more about the new Innovea network here.

The post World Coffee Research Launches Global Coffee Breeding Network appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.

This article was first published here.